Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Objek wisata di balikpapan

Balikpapa merupakan kota degan biaya hidup termahal di Indonesia. Hal itu menunjukkan pendapatan perkapita masyarakat yang tinggi. Kota Balikpapan juga dikenal dengan penghasil minyak yang melimpah di Indonesia. Tak salah kalau banyak yang menyebut Balikpapan dengan Kota Minyak. Lalu bagaimana dengan Potensi Pariwisata di Balikpapan ?

1. Pantai Kemala
pantai ini terletak di pusat kota Balikpapan tepatnya di Jalan Jenderal Soedirman Balikpapan. Dengan lokasinya ini maka otomatis akses untuk menuju pantai ini sangat mudah, sehingga banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung di Pantai Kemala ini. Pemandangan di Pantai Kemala ini sangat indah, hamparan pasir pantai yang berwarna putih serta deburan ombak menjadi daya tarik pantai ini.
2. Pantai manggar segara sari
Pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai macam fasilitas yang ada di pantai ini, dari sekedar mandi di air laut, berain layang-layang, bermain voly pantai, sepak bola sampai menyewa jet sky juga sudah tersedia. Selain itu jika hanya ingin menikmati pemandangan laut saja, anda dapat menikmatinya sambil menyantap berbagai macam kuliner yang sudah tersedia di banyak warung yang berjejer di sepanjang Pantai Manggar Segara Sari. 
3. Kampung air margasari
Di kampung ini anda dapat menikmati suasana kampung yang mengapung diatas air, mirip dengan yang ada di Venice, Eropa. Pengunjung dapat megelilingi kampung ini dan berinteraksi dengan warga kampung. Selain itu juga dapat memancing dengan menggunakan alat pancing yang sudah disediakan.
4. Hutan lindung sungai wain
Salah satu usaha untuk menjaga kelestarian hutan yaitu menetapkan suatu kawasan hutan tertentu sebagai hutan lindung. hutan lindung yang terdapat di Balikpapan salah satunya adalah Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain. Luas Hutan Lindung Aungai Wain adalah 10 ribu ha. Selain untuk menjaga kelestarian hutan, Hutan lindung ini juga dijadikan sebagai tempat perlindungan dari beberapa fauna yang dilindungi seperti orangutan, beruang madu, bekantan dll.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Pelumas Rexco Anti Karat

Sedikitnya ada tiga produk yang ditawarkan yakni REXCO 18 Contact CleanerRexco 25 Chain Lube, & Rexco 50 Multi Purpose Lubricant ANTI KARAT ) . Pelumas "ajaib" ini diklaim mempunyai kualitas setingkat di atas para kompetitor yang ada dipasaran.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Harga smartfren andromax

Gebrakan smartfren dengan meluncurkan brand ponsel “Andromax” ternyata cukup menyita perhatian pecinta gadget tanah air. Bukan lagi satu atau dua tapi puluhan gadget baik itu hp smartfren andromax maupun tablet dan modem. Hampir semua model yang dikeluarkan laris manis, bukan hal aneh karena harga hp smartfren memang cukup terjangkau tapi dengan spesifikasi dan performa yang bisa diandalkan.
Penasaran dengan harga ponsel smartfren andromax? check it out!!!
Harga Smartfren
Andromax v3s
harga-andromax-v3s Rp. 1.999.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax g2
Rp. 899.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax U
harga-smartfren-andromax-u-4-5Rp. 1.599.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax V
harga-smartfren-andromax-vRp. 1.999.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax U3
harga-smartfren-andromax-u3_1Rp. 1.499.000
Harga smartfren
Andromax G

harga-smartfren-andromax-gRp. 799.000
harga-smartfren-andromax-i3Rp. 1.499.000
harga-smartfren-andromax-c2Rp. 649.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax i new
harga-smartfren-andromax-i-newRp. 1.199.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax U limited
harga-smartfren-andromax-u-limitedRp. 1.699.000

Harga Smartfren
Andromax T

harga-smartfren-andromax-tRp. 1.799.000
Harga Smartfren
HTC Desire XC
harga-smartfren-htc-desire-xcRp. 2.599.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax i3s
harga-smartfren-andromax-i3sRp. 1.499.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax G2 Qwerty

harga-andromax-g2-qwerty.1Rp. 999.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax C3
harga-andromax-c3Rp. 499.000
Harga Smartfren
Andromax U2
harga-smartfren-andromax-u2Rp. 1.499.000

Friday, May 30, 2014

Blogging for Fun or Profit

As more people become familiar with the Internet, the popularity of blogs continues to rise. Once considered the perfect avenue for expressing one’s point of view or opinions, they now provide huge amounts of information specifically targeted to an audience. Many blogs are updated daily, and are used as a way to help promote businesses and ideas. They work as an ideal marketing tool.

Starting a Blog

The first step in starting a blog is to determine exactly what information it will dispense. It is imperative the start with a solid idea, and attempt to be a specific in detail as possible. The blog will need to be distinctive in order to stand out from all of the competition, in any category. The blog subject needs to be about information that fascinates both you and others. If you do not have the ability to generate high quality content routinely, on the subject that you choose, then the blogging site might not produce the results you desire.

Blogging For Fun And Profit

Loosely speaking blogs can be seen as part of the wider social networking ecosystem. Blogs cover a wide variety of topics and allow for the blogger to engage with his or her audience through the visitors to the site leaving comments on the subject matter.

For the blogger these comments can be both a source of frustration and a source of inspiration. The frustration can be caused by commentators known as 'trolls'. These site visitors seem to take pride in belittling the articles that are posted by the blogger and are tremendously disruptive to the free flow of information that can be provided by the others participating in the comments section.

Blogging For Fun: How To Find Readers

You can blog all you want, but if you have no readers to read your content, then you are already failing. It is not an easy task to gain traffic to your blog, but there are several tried and true methods that can pique the interest of your readers. How do you find readers for your blog?

Your blog should have at least five "pillar" articles at the bare minimum. Pillar articles are generally articles written in a tutorial style and are more than 500 words in which they offer practical advice and tips. A good how-to article with a clear and concise lesson could be considered a pillar article. These types of articles are not dependent on time and still stay relevant a long time after the initial post.

Blogging For A Living

Blogging can easily become a full time job. There are many power blogs that can earn the writer a great living and provide readers with some great information. Many bloggers don't even write the articles themselves but rather hire out other writers to do the writing.

Building a social relationship by blogging allows the blogger to interact with readers and find out more what the readers are looking for.

Comments are sometimes allowed on blogs. This is a great way for the blogger to communicate with readers. Readers can comment on whether or not they like the articles, they can suggest ideas to the blogger and they can share their own information.